The International One Metre Class World Championship 2022

Sailing club "Val” Šibenik, Croatia
Rogoznica - Croatia
27. October – 04. November 2022.

IOMICA Standard Sailing Instructions



1.1 The event shall be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing. RRS Appendix E shall apply. 
1.2 The following documents shall also govern the event: 

  • Racing Rules of Sailing as changed by the RRS Appendix E
  • The International One Metre Class Rules
  • IOMICA Championship Rules
  • Equipment Rules of Sailing 
  • Test Rule for umpired radio sailing
  • Heat Management System (HMS 2022) 
  • WS Call Book for Radio Sailing 

1.3 The Jury may publish a document setting out an accelerated procedure for protests and requests for redress. 
1.4 The following changes to RRS shall apply: 

(a) Chartered or loaned boats may carry the national letters denoting the national authority and/ or the sail number of the person or organization providing the boat. This changes RRS G1.1(b) as modified by RRS E8. 
(b) Other rule changes are stated in the notice that changes the rule.


2.1 Notices to competitors shall be posted on the Official Notice Board situated near the Race Office.



3.1 The International Jury and the IOMICA event delegate shall approve changes in the Sailing Instructions.
3.2 Any change of the Sailing Instructions shall be posted on the Official Notice Board and shall take effect from the first heat of a new race. However, changes to the Control Area, Launching Area, Waiting Area and Practice Area shall take effect from the next heat. When a notice is posted the race committee shall make two sound signals followed by a hail announcing that a change has been posted.
3.3 Any change to the scheduled first warning signal of the day shall be posted by 17:00 or earlier on the day before it shall take effect.



4.1 Schedule. All dates are :

27 – 28.10 2022.

Registration, Practice, Equipment Inspection. Opening ceremony is scheduled at 18:00.

29.10 – 04.11.2022.

Racing from 09:30 – 16:00. The Race Committee may continue racing after 16:00 to complete the heat in progress


Middle day for Worlds is a reserve day. There may be racing if less than 3 races have been completed at the end of racing on 31.10.2022.


Last day Racing from 10:00 to 16:00. Prize giving Ceremony is scheduled at 19:00.

4.2 The scheduled time for the first warning signal is 09:30. The racing area shall be available for practice from 08:30 to 09:15.
4.3 On all racing days the first warning signal of a heat shall not be given after 16:30. 
4.4 On last day 04.11.2022 - final day, the first warning signal of the race shall not be given after 15:00 and for the heat after 16:00.



5.1 The race committee shall appoint observers. All competitors shall serve as observers as required by the race committee.
5.2 A competitor unable to serve as an observer for a heat shall obtain prior written approval from the race committee. Approval shall normally only be granted if a competitor's boat requires immediate repairs or on medical or safety grounds. Alternatively, the competitor shall nominate a substitute observer, who shall also be a competitor. The competitor shall ensure that the substitute is present in the Control Area as required by SI5.3 and that the race committee is notified of the substitute’s name and sail number. 
5.3 An observer appointed for a heat who is not present in the control area from the Warning Signal until released by the race committee, or who fails to act diligently as an observer, may be protested by the race committee under rule 60.2(a).



6.1 The sailing area shall be located at Rogoznica bay
6.2 Boats may be launched and sailed at any time in the practice area. Boats practicing shall remain within the practice area. The limits to the practice area shall be posted on the official notice board.
6.3 A boat not racing in the heat being sailed shall not sail within 35 meters (110 feet) of either a boat racing or any mark of the racing course.
6.4 Changes to the practice area shall be posted on the Official Notice Board according to SI 3.2.
6.5 A boat infringing SI 6.2 or 6.3 may be penalized by the Race Committee without a hearing. The penalty shall be a One-Turn penalty to be taken according to rule E7(b). This changes rules 63.1, 64.1 and A5.



7.1 The limits to the Control Area shall be posted on the Official Notice Board. Competitors shall not leave this area when controlling boats that are racing, except briefly to handle and then release or relaunch the boat.
7.2 The Launch Area and Waiting Area will be defined by a notice posted on the Official Notice Board.  
7.3 Boats scheduled to sail in a heat shall not enter the Waiting Area until authorized by the Race Committee. Boats shall not enter the Launch Area from the Waiting Area until authorized by the Race Committee.
7.4 A boat infringing SI 7.3 may be penalized by the Race Committee without a hearing. The penalty shall be a One-Turn penalty to be taken according to rule E7(b). This changes rules 63.1, 64.1 and A5.
7.5 Launching and re-launching

(a) A boat scheduled to race in a heat may be launched, held in the launching area, taken ashore or re-launched at any time during the heat. However, she shall not be released for the first time during a heat after the first boat in that heat has finished.
(b) Boats shall be launched or recovered only from within the launching area.
(c) While ashore or within the launching area, boats may be adjusted, drained of water or, repaired; have their sails/rigs changed; have entangled objects removed; or have, equipment repaired or changed.

7.6 Changes to the Control Area, Launching Area and the Waiting Area  shall be notified as required by SI 3.2.



8.1 The course, including a description of the marks, starting and finishing line, the order in which marks are to rounded, and the side on which each mark is to be left, shall be displayed on the course board as provided in RRS E3.3 before the warning signal of each heat.



9.1 The heat composition shall be posted on the Heat Board near the control area.
9.2 Heat selection for Race 1 shall be carried out as follows:

Boats will be ranked according to their finishing positions, if any, in the previous IOM World Championship . Boats without a finishing position in the previous IOM World Championship , shall be ranked according to their finishing positions, if any, in the previous corresponding IOM Continental Championship. Remaining boats shall be ranked after boats already ranked according to the alphabetical order of the competitor's surname. From this list of ranked boats, boats will be sorted into heats in the order: A, B, C, D, E, E, D, C, B, A and so on.



10.1 The Race Committee shall hail the heat and race number of the next heat. It is the competitor’s responsibility to hear this call and for the boat to compete in her assigned heat. Failure to hear and comply with the Race Committee's hail shall not be grounds for redress. This changes RRS 62.
10.2 Following a general recall the warning signal shall be made as soon as possible. 



11.1 No boat shall start after the first boat in the heat has finished.
11.2 Boats starting more than one minute after the starting signal shall hail and receive acknowledgement from the Race Officer that they have started.
11.3 The time limit for the first boat to finish after having sailed the course in accordance with rule 28 shall be 30 minutes.



12.1 Except as in SI 12.4, the Time Out Limit for racing after the first boat finishes shall be 5 minutes.
12.2    At the expiry of the Time Out Limit:

  • If 6 or fewer boats are still racing they shall be recorded according to SI 12.3.
  • If more than 6 boats are still racing the Time Out Limit shall be extended until only 6 boats remain racing, at which point they shall be recorded according to SI 12.3.

12.3 Boats failing to finish within the Time Out Limit shall be recorded as DNF, RET, OCS, DNS or DNC in that order, as appropriate. DNF boats still racing at the end of the Time Out Limit shall be recorded with finishing places according to their order on the water. These boats shall be scored according to their finishing places.
12.4 There shall be no Time Out Limit in Race 1.



13.1 Protests and requests for redress need not be in writing. This changes rule 61.2. The protest committee may take evidence in any way it considers appropriate and may communicate its decision orally.
13.2 Parties to a protest shall be informed orally by hailing that a protest hearing is opening. It is the responsibility of the parties to come to the hearing without delay accompanied by any witness. No other notice of the hearing shall be given. This changes RRS 63.2.
13.3 The IRSA SYRPH (System for Reducing Protest Hearings) shall be used, when applicable, before a formal protest hearing is opened.
13.4 Protests may be heard under rule N1.4(b). The time limit for requesting a hearing by a full International Jury is 5 minutes after the parties have been informed of the panel's decision. However, after the warning signal of any heat to which a party to the hearing may be promoted, any decision or redress shall not change the race schedule for that race. This changes rules 64.1 and 64.2.
13.5 For the purposes of rule 64.3(b) the 'authority responsible' is the IOMICA Technical Sub- Committee or its official delegate at the event.
13.6 Decisions of the International Jury shall be final as provided in rule 70.5.



14.1 Heat Management System 2022 shall apply.
14.2 Five races are required to be completed to constitute a series.
14.3 A boat finishing in a heat to which she has not been assigned shall be scored DNS for the heat to which she was assigned.  She shall not sail in her assigned heat.



15.1 Substitution of damaged or lost equipment shall not be allowed unless authorized by the race committee. Requests for substitution shall be made to the committee at the first reasonable opportunity.



16.1 A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with the class rules and sailing instructions. On the water, a boat can be instructed by a race committee, equipment inspector or measurer to proceed immediately to a designated area for inspection.



17.1 Unless the Race Committee prohibits their use, competitors not racing may use their transmitters at any time for the purpose of tuning or practice sailing.



Prizes shall be awarded to the first 10 positions in the final results. Other prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the event organizers
First Master (55 – 64 years), first Grand Master (65-69years) and first Great Grand Master (70 or more years). A competitor’s age is his age on the day of registration.



19.1 Rule 3 of the Racing Rules of Sailing states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a heat or to continue racing is hers alone.” 
Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore involves an element of risk. By taking part in any of the events covered by this notice of race, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that: 

  1. They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event; 
  2. They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their boat and their other property whether afloat or ashore; 
  3. They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions; 
  4. Their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate; 
  5. The provision of a race management team, patrol boats, umpires and other officials and volunteers by the organizer does not relieve them of their own responsibilities; 
  6. The provision of patrol boat cover is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be practically provided in the circumstances.



20.1 Each boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of € 1500000. For the purposes of NOR 11 the term ‘boat’ includes the designated competitor 
If not available, purchase of third-party liability event insurance is mandatory. 



21.1 Major regattas offer significant public exposure to our sport. Inappropriate competitor behavior can reflect negatively that exposure. All participants are advised that their actions shall be under scrutiny, not only by the public, but also by the race officials. Kindly behave with dignity and respect.
Any behavior that breeches good manners or sportsmanship or that brings our sport into disrepute shall result in a hearing under RRS 69 (Allegations of gross misconduct).

  • Penalties may include umpire-given penalty under Test Rule for umpired radio sailing, penalty taken immediately to avoid a protest hearing), disqualifying a boat from the race in question or subsequent races, exclusion from the regatta, or other action within the International Jury's   jurisdiction.